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Content. This unit will focus on the development of high level written and communiion skills that are integral to the research process. Students will gain an understanding of the essential elements of academic and scientific writing, including clarity, precision and the use of disciplinespecific structure and style.
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SC700 is a 125 KHz proximity access control terminal incorporated with 3'' TFT LCD. The color display and touch screen operation offer a userfriendly and easy menu management. When connected with PC through Ethernet, SC700 is managed by ZKAccess 3.5 software.
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10月21日(日)SSC700大会を開催致しました。参加者15名、マスターズ出場に向けて熱い戦いが幾度も繰り広げられておりました。 結果はこちら↓↓↓ 大会ドロー結果
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Maretron's SSC300, implementing the second generation of Maretron's awardwining compass technology, is a solid state, rate gyro electronic compass that provides better than 0.7° heading accuracy through 䕑° of roll and pitch angle, and better than 1° roll and pitch accuracy in static conditions.
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